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361° Big3 5.0 Pro Switch Basketball Shoes

By |May 13th, 2024|Categories: 361 Degrees|Tags: |

361° Big3 5.0 Pro Switch Basketball Shoes This is a pair of BIG3 5.0 Pro recently released by 361°. The first two generations of BIG3 Pro were successfully selected into XCin’s annual list. Featuring full-length supercritical technology, a midsole carbon plate, and the highly recognizable No. 3 logo, it seems at first glance that it is not much different from previous generations. If I hadn’t been to 361’s new factory in person, I might not have noticed that the workmanship of the 5th generation Pro this time is really solid. After five generations of training, there is basically no need

Nikola Jokic has signed a contract with 361 Degrees Sports Company Limited for years!

By |December 23rd, 2023|Categories: 361 Degrees|

Official announcement: Nikola Jokic has signed a contract with 361 Degrees Sports Company Limited for years! 361, a more passionate and familiar slogan. Can it be upgraded to 361, the choice of champion and MVP of NBA! The first person in the NBA to wear domestic products! What level will this be? 361 seems to be getting popular too!

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